Friday 8 April 2011


Hello there my fashionistas,

I think I already know what you are all thinking. You are probably all thinking, who the hell is this guy? What more can he say that we don’t already know? Oh God, save us! Another fashion blog?...
Yeah, I know, I know.

Let me take this time to formally introduce myself.
My name is Guru (crazy right? I know that too). I’m no different from all the other talented young men who are waiting for their big break in the fashion industry.
I studied fashion design five years ago @ a fashion school on the outskirts of central Johannesburg. I have worked with the most talented of individuals in this plastic industry. I’m not going to mention their names simply because...well, this is not their party! But I am grateful nonetheless.
Three years ago, after slaving away behind well established designer brands, I started working on MY dream.
A dream that would allow me the artistic freedom to finally emancipate the artistry within.
A dream that would allow me to take a bow for my own work at a showcase.
A dream to which my own face would be attached to.
A dream that came to be known as STATE OF GURU. (just saying these words is so orgasmic).

This blog is part of that dream.
I refrained from titling it "fashion guru" because that would simply mean i know EVERYTHING about fashion. I DON'T. I’m still as much a learner as many of my peers and colleagues.
However, if there is one thing I certainly KNOW how to work, its A NEEDLE.
So here it is "NEEDLEGURU".

It is on this blog that I will share my views & my fears about fashion. I am not a dictator, simply someone who is keen on learning and sharing the little bit I know about this beautiful world of fashion.
I am willing to sit back and listen to YOUR views and fears as well.

Now, my fellow fashion slaves, because this whole blogging business is new to me, (and I am obviously overwhelmed by it) please allow me to catch my breath before my first official article (due for release on Tuesday 12th).

I am not setting any standards here but I can promise to deliver the relevant, current and influential articles that affect US as South African fashion lovers.
So, till next Tuesday, suck on those thumbs and wait in anticipation because trust's going to be BIG.
See you on Tuesday then.
Till then...spread the love and dress up like you will never witness the dawning of another day.


1 comment:

  1. AWESOMO.... Lovely intro to what you are all about... All the best NeedleGuru... Looks like your ducks are in order... (LESEGO MASIKE)
